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Mexico has been previously rated as one of the “horniest countries” in the world and ranks as the second most sexually satisfied nation in...

Mexico has been previously rated as one of the “horniest countries” in the world and ranks as the second most sexually satisfied nation in the world with 63 percent of the country claiming a fulfilling sex life. Why? Perhaps it’s their candidness with regard to sex education. In 2008, Mexico City distributed over 700,000 sex-ed textbooks to the high schools that cover birth control, abortion and homosexuality. Or it might have something to do with the fact that sex work is decriminalized and regulated in half the country's states. (Unfortunately, decriminalization hasn’t curtailed Mexico’s human trafficking problem as Mexico still remains one of the leading hot spots for child sexual exploitation in the world.)

Mexico is found in...

The 12 Most Sexually Satisfied Countries In The World
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