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Yuri!!! On Ice

Yuri!!! on Ice (Japanese: ???!!! on ICE) is a Japanese sports anime television series about figure skating. The series was produced by MAPPA, directed...

Yuri!!! on Ice (Japanese: ???!!! on ICE) is a Japanese sports anime television series about figure skating. The series was produced by MAPPA, directed and written by Sayo Yamamoto with original scripts by Mitsur? Kubo under the chief direction of Jun Shishido. Character designs were handled by Tadashi Hiramatsu, and its music was composed by Taro Umebayashi and Taku Matsushiba. The figure skating was choreographed by Kenji Miyamoto, who also performed routines himself which were recorded and used as skating sound effects.


Yuri!!! On Ice is found in...

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