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Emma Stone (Maniac)

Maniac is an American psychological dark comedy-drama web television miniseries that premiered on September 21, 2018, on...

Maniac is an American psychological dark comedy-drama web television miniseries that premiered on September 21, 2018, on Netflix. It was created by Patrick Somerville and directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga based on the Norwegian television series of the same name by Espen PA Lervaag, Håakon Bast Mossige, Kjetil Indregard, and Ole Marius Araldsen. The series follows two strangers who connect during a mind-bending pharmaceutical trial and stars Emma Stone, Jonah Hill, Justin Theroux, Sonoya Mizuno, Gabriel Byrne, and Sally Field.

The series was officially announced in March 2016, with Netflix ordering the production straight-to-series that same month. Upon release, the series received positive reviews from critics, with many praising its visuals, direction and acting, particularly the performances of Stone and Hill.


Emma Stone (Maniac) is found in...

Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Miniseries
( 5 items )
Item Position (rank): 1