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Patricia Clarkson (Sharp Objects)

Sharp Objects is an American psychological thriller television miniseries based on Gillian Flynn's debut novel of the same name that premiered on July...

Sharp Objects is an American psychological thriller television miniseries based on Gillian Flynn's debut novel of the same name that premiered on July 8, 2018, on HBO. Created by Marti Noxon and directed by Jean-Marc Vallée, the series stars Amy Adams as Camille Preaker, an emotionally troubled reporter who returns to her hometown to cover the murders of two young girls. Upon release, the series was met with a very positive reception from critics, with many praising its visuals, dark atmosphere, direction and acting, particularly the performances of Adams, Clarkson, and Scanlen.


Patricia Clarkson (Sharp Objects) is found in...

Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Miniseries
( 5 items )
Item Position (rank): 3