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Succession is an American drama television series, created by Jesse Armstrong, that premiered on June 3, 2018, on HBO. The series centers on the ficti...

Succession is an American drama television series, created by Jesse Armstrong, that premiered on June 3, 2018, on HBO. The series centers on the fictional Roy family, the dysfunctional owners of a global media empire who are fighting for control of the company amidst uncertainty about the health of the family's patriarch, Logan Roy. The series stars an ensemble cast featuring Hiam Abbass, Nicholas Braun, Brian Cox, Kieran Culkin, Peter Friedman, Natalie Gold, Matthew Macfadyen, Alan Ruck, Parker Sawyers, Sarah Snook, Jeremy Strong, and Rob Yang. The first season received generally favorable reviews from critics. In June 2018, it was announced that the series had been renewed for a second season.


Succession is found in...

2019 Writers Guild Awards Nominees - Drama Series
( 5 items )
Item Position (rank): 1
2019 Writers Guild Awards Nominees - New Series
( 5 items )
Item Position (rank): 1