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One Mississippi

One Mississippi is a semi-autobiographical American comedy television series created by comedian Tig Notaro and Diablo Cody. The pilot episode, direct...

One Mississippi is a semi-autobiographical American comedy television series created by comedian Tig Notaro and Diablo Cody. The pilot episode, directed by Nicole Holofcener, aired on Amazon Prime on November 5, 2015, and was picked up for a full series after positive feedback from audiences.[1] One Mississippi premiered on September 9, 2016.[2] On November 14, 2016, Amazon renewed the show for a second season,[3] which was released on Amazon on September 8, 2017.[4] On January 18, 2018, the series was canceled after two seasons which Amazon explained as "part of a move towards bigger, wider-audience series".[5]


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Amazon Prime Top Series
( 10 items )
Item Position (rank): 6