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Gwyneth Paltrow

What is it? Goop is a modern lifestyle site offering the latest health and wellbeing recommendations and products <br /><br />How much time does she p...

What is it? Goop is a modern lifestyle site offering the latest health and wellbeing recommendations and products

How much time does she put into it? Gwyneth has stated that she is "professionally fulfilled" but also feels very drained by the amount of work needed for success. Above all, she loves being part of something that she believes in. You go, Gwyn!

What is it worth? $1.5 million in 2012

Quote: "It's a blessing to be liberated from the chains of other people's perceptions of you. It's part of wellness, working at that. I've gotten to a point where I like myself. I do my best as a person. I also have nothing to hide."

Gwyneth Paltrow is found in...